Sunday, January 27, 2013


"Some men see things as they are and say 'why'? Others dream things that never were and say 'why not'?" ~ George Bernard Shaw

If you've read my blog for very long you know that I am a big believer in "signs," those random, unusual occurrences, that synchronistically bring some guidance or needed knowledge which one is seeking.

Recently I began reading a book my sister gave me called, Spirited. In the book the author talks about the Spirit Guides and Angels that surround each of us all of the time.

I had always thanked God for giving me my "signs" when I asked Him for them, without realizing that my Spirit Guides and Angels can give me the "signs" I ask for as well.

So, the other night I decided to talk to my Spirit Guides and the Angels surrounding me. I asked them to come to me in my dreams that night with the date of something I hoped would happen in my near future.

I told them that I needed to be provided with a clear understanding of the date. I continued by saying, that in my dream if I were able to view a calendar with the month shown and the day circled that that would be the clearest possible way for me to understand! However, I added, if it isn't possible to show me a calendar with the month and day (after all, I didn't want to presume to tell my Spirit Guides or Angels how they should go about doing something!), then for them to give me numbers that let me clearly know the date. I also mentioned that I would not only need to have the numbers come to me in my dream, but I would have to remember the dream when I woke up in the morning!

I then thanked them in advance for coming to me in my dreams while I slept and for providing me with the date I wanted to know of. Then I turned out my light and went to bed.

During the night I woke up several times, and though dreaming heavily, I had no dream of calendars or dates or even numbers. Each time as I fell back to sleep I reminded my Spirit Guides and Angels that I was still expecting them to come to me in a dream and give me the date I was asking about; the date of when this potential future event might take place.

I woke up around 8:00 a.m. and thought that I was awake enough to get up. I did not have a dream with any dates or numbers. As I was thinking about things I grew sleepy and, because I had no reason to actually get up, I decided I would turn over and see if I could fall back to sleep, which I quickly did.

I next woke up around 9:15 a.m. As I was awakening I remembered the dream I had just woken up from. I can't remember all of the details but I very vividly remembered being giving first one playing card and then another. I can't say what suite the first card I was given was, but the card I was given was the number six card. I was then handed a second playing card. When I looked at the second card I was given, it was the number nine card. In my dream I remember thinking, I was given the six card first and that was followed by the nine card. I remember specifically recognizing that the six preceded the nine. When I woke up and thought about my dream I knew instantly that my Spirit Guides and Angels had given me the date I was asking for - 6/9 - June, 9th!

Now is the interesting part - I wait! June 9th seems like an awful long time away from now (and much longer than I was anticipating when I made the request), but I can't do anything about that, so I must just decide to be patient. Will what I asked about occur on June 9th? Will some "big" event happen on that day? I have no idea. But I am learning to trust, to have faith, that when I ask for a sign and get it I'm expected to believe and not doubt!!!

So, that is what I will do. I will believe that, yes, something important for my life is going to happen on June 9th. I have four and a half months to wait to find out what it is exactly that is going to happen on that day, a Sunday, by the way. And now you have four and half months to wait and find out as well!

The story continues...

(By the way, yes, it is rare (if ever!) that I have had dreams that made me aware of numbers!)

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