I wanted to write an addendum to my, Quick!, post from two days ago. I said I didn't know anything about numbers, and I don't, but I have had a "relationship" with a particular number for the past two years or so, and in the last six months I had given more thought to those numbers and decided what they meant to me.
Let me explain, I was born on October 1st, most commonly represented in my life (filling out my birthdate on a form, etc.) by the numbers, 10/01.
Well, as I was explaining, I started noticing in the past several years that I was seeing the number 10.01 all the time. Of course not ALL the time, but so often I became conscious that it was happening - randomly happening! It wasn't like I was staring at a clock and waiting for it to change from 10:00 a.m. to 10:01 a.m, for example, just that so many times when I did look up at a clock (and now days so many clocks are digital) the time did read 10:01. And when it happened again and again, and kept on happening to the point, where, as I said, I became conscious of it well, my consciousness began to think that it was strange!
Finally, about six months ago, and I'm not sure why this happened, or how it happened, because as I said I was not "into" numbers, but my thinking about seeing the number 10.01 changed. And it probably came about from my asking for and receiving signs, because as you know from reading this blog, I am a BIG believer in signs to help me keep faith-filled on my journey.
So, what eventually transpired, is that in my mind I decided that seeing 10:01 so frequently was strange, but it was no longer, "just random." And I made the decision (it must have come from my "higher self") that every time I saw the time (and it mostly occurred in relation to the time - on my phone, on my computer, on the digital clock on the stovetop, etc.) of 10:01 it would be a signal for me to start looking for a sign. It just organically happened that I took 10:01 as a sign to be on the lookout for signs!
Therefore, in some way, I guess I have "known" about numbers without "knowing" about numbers! Because I have been doing it: seeing a number as having meaning in my life for some time.
And I added this addendum to my, Quick!, post because after I had thought about it all, and I came to the above realization, it began to have even more relevance as to why I got my sign the other day; to the overall correlation between my journey of constantly seeing the number 10:01 and how that prepared me, unconsciously, as to how and why my thoughts played out the way they did when I saw 4:44 a.m. and ultimately how that led me to a sign I desperately need to "hear."
Once again, I remind you, there are no coincidences in life...
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