Sunday, December 2, 2012


"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved." ~ William Jennings Bryan

For some reason last night I checked online to see if there were anything interesting to watch on PBS. I saw that it was the last weekend to watch a show called, "Call The Midwife," which was based on the memories of a midwife in a poverty- stricken part of London in the late 1950's. There were only six, one-hour episodes, so I got right on it, watching three episodes last night and the last three tonight. 

The reason I titled this blog, Serendipity, is because I feel like that is exactly what it was that made me go to the PBS website last night (I hadn't watched any PBS show online since Downton Abbey at least eight months ago!). The reason I say that it was serendipitous was that after I watched the show it amazed me to see how many woman got pregnant and had their healthy babies after age 40 - no IVF - no hospitals!

In the same vein, I happened to re-pick up a book I had started a half a year ago, but could not seem to get into so put down for some other one. This book is called, Sarah's Key, and is about a journalist married to a Frenchman, living in Paris. The story is about her discovering a period of French history regarding the Holocaust that she was unaware of. But outside the interest of that particular part of the book was another serendipitous event: this woman journalist - the main character - has found out she is pregnant at age 45! 

Anyway, I just thought of these two encounters, of randomly watching a t.v. series and equally of picking up a particular book, at this time, as being the kind of "signs" that I feel are coming to me to tell me: keep plodding on L., just keep plodding on...

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