Friday, December 21, 2012


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've always imagined." - Thoreau

I had my doctor's appointment today and got my lab work back regarding the cancers markers and it is good news!!!

It is not likely that I have cancer as it was a low number! Yay! What a great feeling of relief... I do have to go back in four weeks to have another pelvic ultrasound done to make sure that everything is still okay, but I can deal with that then. For now, I just feel blessed in not having that big scary thing hanging over me...

I was nervous before going to the appointment and they were behind schedule so I took off and went out to this beautiful park nearby and just plopped myself down on the soft grass and took in the day (a clear sunny one after a huge storm the night before) and let the wind blow with force against me... just letting myself feel, see, hear, smell the nature around me... I was only at the park for just over a half hour, but it gave me a nice sense of peace as I went back to my docter's office and had my appointment.

Dr. M. thinks the "mass" in my uterus is just a fibroid and of course I still have the cysts in my right and left ovaries. She thinks that my right ovary cysts are less severe than my left, but I found that odd as it is my right ovary that is giving me that achey pain, not my left, which I don't feel at all. But she thinks that the right ovary cyst may be ready to burst which is causing the pain and that the cysts in my left ovary has probably been there for some time. She asked me if I felt like I ovulated from my left ovary and I told her that I thought I rarely did. She thinks I may only be ovulating from my right ovary (I will have to remember to talk to her more about that at my next appointment!). She also told me she had two of her babies when she had fibroids in her uterus so it shouldn't be a problem, Anyway, this may be TMI, but since it all has to do with my fertility functioning and how vital that mine be strong and healthy it is important!!!

And, once again, I'm just excited (and feel blessed!) that I am still "in the game!"

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