But I bring this health issue up because I had another health issue present itself in the last two weeks (before starting the Oxytocin, so not related) and that is a dull and constant achey pain in my right ovary. My doctor set me up to have a pelvic ultrasound done yesterday and I was called with the results today. It has been found that I have cysts in both my right and left ovaries and further that I have a "mass" in my uterus. The nurse who called me to tell me this news said the mass could be a fibroid. My doctor has left to go out of town for the rest of the week and my appointment with her is not until next Thursday. But her nurse said that if I wanted I could have the lab draw blood to test for cancer markers. I will be getting that done tomorrow. Then, I guess I will have to wait a long week (that is if the results come back in time) to find if my health is mildly serious or severely serious.
I can not tell you how discouraging I feel about all this. I just feel like God has already saddled me with about as much as I can handle and yet I must continue to be positive and faith-filled if I am to have any hope, not just with this latest health issue, but in ALL areas of my life!!!
And as I've written many times before in this blog, I feel that faith is my challenge in this life - having it, and keeping it! I say it is my challenge because faith doesn't come easy to me. It is something that I feel I am constantly having to work on - not just day to day, but hour to hour, minute to minute!!!
So, if you feel like you would want to, please send me your positive thoughts and prayers. I will let you know what I find out as soon as I know more...
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