Friday, May 25, 2012

Strings Attached

"Dream your dreams with open eyes and make them come true." ~ T. E. Lawrence

This might be TMI, but since this blog is about me attaining my dream of having children from my own eggs even at the ripe age of 48 and a 1/2, I think it's awesomely relevant! 

I'm on day eight of my cycle and today, for the first time since I was about 38 years old, I noticed that I had clear, slippery, thin and stretchable cervical mucus coming from my vagina! It was that egg white consistency that is what you want when you're trying to get pregnant; it was like a four inch string just hanging there. Again, sorry for all the details, but it feels like just one more sign from God that I am on my way towards a miracle. Time will tell... the dreaming continues...

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