Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Primping and Prepping

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
Winston Churchill

Well, I am now just days away from my 30th high school reunion. I've been up and down on how I've been physically feeling with no (seemingly) rhyme or reason to good days versus bad. I did talk to my doctor on Monday and I've added a med so I'm crossing my fingers that the "cocktail" of meds I'm now on will get me through the parties both Friday and Saturday night. I really want to be feeling good so I can have fun. I have had so little of a social life due to this illness over the past year that I'm desperate for it.

I've gained enough weight where I'm actually feeling like I look really good. Believe it or not, my outfits - both Friday and Saturday nights - are from 1999! My shoes are even older! 1999 was the last time I weighed what I do now. Fortunately, it was a time when I had a little addiction to Nordstrom's upscale clothing and even as I outgrew the clothes, there were a few pieces that I couldn't part with. I never, ever, thought I'd fit in them again, but alas, I do, and I think they'll be as trendy as if I had spent the money and gotten them now.

I'm getting a manicure/pedicure tomorrow evening. I've had probably two manicure/pedicures in my life so I am making a big deal out of this. Friday afternoon I'm getting my hair trimmed and foiled.

One of the girls that I played sports with (whom I haven't seen, or spoken to, in thirty years as she didn't come to our ten or twenty year reunions) flew into town today and messaged me on Facebook to make plans to go for a drink tomorrow night. She's bringing her yearbook so we can have a little prep session.

I don't think this reunion could possibly be as fun and wild as the last one mostly because two of my best guy buds (both single but not interested romantically in), the infamous G. and my friend P. won't be able to make it. Those two could get me into some serious trouble (and by trouble, I mean fun!)

A lot of classmates will be missing but I guess it'll be what it will be and I'll try to make the most of it. Hopefully, I'll have something fun or interesting to share with you about it when it wraps up on Sunday.

Of course I feel some angst about being single, childless, and living with my mom, but hey what are ya gonna do? I'll just have to take my grandmother's advice: act as if...

I've got it all go'n on.

I'm excited : )

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