Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wanting In and Wanting Out

"I can't change the direction of the wind,
but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
Jimmy Dean

I went to my physical therapy appointment for my knee Tuesday afternoon (I still go twice a week working at getting my strength and flexibility fully back). This Tuesday I walked in with a badly swollen knee.

I woke up Sunday morning (okay, it was late afternoon, I mean it was my reunion night, I didn't even get to bed 'til 4:00 a.m.) and my knee (the one I had my ACL reconstructive surgery on) really hurt. When I looked at it it was swollen like a fat balloon.

Of course the night before I didn't feel like I had done anything to injure it. I even had to dash from my car to the bar in the rain wearing high heels and I didn't notice anything hurting (yeah, yeah, I had a few beers, but not THAT many!).

However, the next day I did remember, once, while at the dinner event, going to the ladies' room (which being near the kitchen entrance must have had a little grease on the floor) and slipping slightly on the floor before I entered. But I didn't think anything of it (other than to be careful the next time I went in there).

Anyway, when I walk in to do my rehab on my knee I showed my physical therapist and he was like, whoa, worried that because it was so swollen I may have re-injured my ACL. He checked it and it was fine, but he told me that I needed to make an appointment with the doctor and needed to take it easy. He just wanted me to put it up and ice it while I was there.

So, I'm there icing my knee, perusing through Surfer Magazine (in my next life I wanna be a surfer groupie) and this girl (woman - she's 47) who's had a shoulder surgery and has been doing her PT overlapping mine came in. She asks why I'm icing and my physical therapist tells her I was out dancing all weekend (not far from the truth) in my heels and hurt my knee.

She's sympathizing with me and then out-of-the-blue asks me if I'm single. I tell her yes, and then she says that she knows two single guys and would I be interested in meeting them? I'm like, give me details. She says one is 42, 5'9, a little nerdy and wants kids (she threw that in there), the other one has four kids and sounded less interesting (to put it gently).

The last date I went on was probably a blind-date eight years ago, in which much of the time my mind was occupied with how the girl who set us up could have been so blundering in her selection of us a partners! Yeah, it didn't go well.

The last time I went on a date where I was really into the guy was at least ten years ago! I obviously do not have a great history of dating.

I told this girl that if she wanted to get together casually, with him included, I could be up for that. I mean, I basically told her that I can talk to a five year old or an eighty-five year old, but tell me I'm on a date and all the sudden... crickets.

She was all over my "yes." Texting the guy right away my stats: hair and eye color, height, age (she was very surprised when I told her I was 47 - I love it when people think I'm so much younger!) etc. Once again, I'm like, Lord, what am I getting myself into?

So, we made the plan to meet for drinks after they get off work Friday afternoon. She and I would meet at 4:30 p.m. and then he would be joining us at 5:00.

Then, tonight I get a call from her, and she tells me she's going to have surgery done on her shoulder in the morning to remove scar tissue, so she won't be able to make it! Ugh. I was like, I guess I can be a big girl and meet him on my own.

And that's what I going to be doing tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck!

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