Saturday, February 4, 2012


“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.”
Charles F. Kettering

I went to my doctor yesterday for my weekly appointment (yeah, I have weekly appointments set up until we figure out what is causing me to continually feel nausea everyday. It still hasn't been determined exactly and I still don't have a solution!) Anyway, she had gotten the lab results back from blood work I had drawn and it showed that my thyroid was completely out of whack. She said it was as if I hadn't been taking my thyroid medicine at all! I last had my thyroid blood work results checked last July and everything had been normal, as it has been for the past four years since I've been seeing her. She's going to have me go back to get retested. But I guess my point is that even if H.B. had said he would donate sperm and I had tried to get pregnant this past month it most likely wouldn't have worked anyway because of my thyroid results being so poor. It would have just been a waste to even have attempted it. So, now I can look to get my thyroid back in balance and keep proceeding forward.

Also, when I go see Dr. M. we always talk about getting me pregnant. She is really excited about getting the opportunity of doing the IUI on me and her enthusiasm and belief that it can be done always makes me so much more positive that it will be! All that is holding me back is finding the right donor. As soon as I've got that figured out she's ready to get me pregnant! I'm so blessed that I have her as my doctor. I mean how many doctors out there would be gung-ho and believe that they could help a 48 year old woman get pregnant?

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