Saturday, October 25, 2014

Déjà Vu

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. ~ Walter Bagehot

So, for the second time in the past four months, I've had my OV watch let me know that I was both ovulating AND on my period! 

I had written before how my GP doctor had told me that older woman often ovulate twice in one cycle (though if you Google that it will say it's impossible!) and is why they often have twins. She has suggested that I definitely have sex while on my period for the exact reason that I would up my chances of getting pregnant. 

Well, now, like I said, it's happened again (and mind you, my doctor has done at least four different lab work panels to determine if the watch was correct when it was telling me I was ovulating and it has been on "target" every time).  

I'm posting photos to show the results from the OV watch. The first is me starting my period on my 51st birthday (oh, I haven't written about that latest milestone, have I?) - but, seriously, why does my period start on my birthday so often? lol! - AND it being Ovulation Day 1 on Cycle Day 29 (a "normal" cycle of when my period would start).

Once I started my period on Cycle Day 29 (even though I was ovulating) I had to put in a new sensor for the watch to let me know when, during my "new" cycle, ovulation would occur. 

So, the second photo shows Fertile Day 1 on my Cycle Day 11 (the watch will tell you the four fertile days leading up to ovulation, your Ovulation Day 1, Ovulation Day 2, and the two "less fertile" days after ovulation) which was on October 11th - meaning my ovulation day would occur four days later on my Cycle Day 15 which is "normal" for me.

I guess my take-away from this is that if you are older and you want to have the best chance of getting pregnant, don't just try when you think your ovulating... try when you're on your period, too!

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