Thursday, October 11, 2012

Out of the Blue

"Fall seven times, stand up eight." ~ Japanese Proverb

I got a call the other day from the nurse at my General Practice doctor's office. She said in her message that Dr. M. knew of a guy who had frozen some sperm in case he wanted to have more children, but he has decided he doesn't want any more and was going to let the frozen sperm expire. In the the message the nurse described the guy as being tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. Well, I didn't get the message until a few days later (having lost my phone!), but I will be having an appointment with Dr. M. this afternoon and will find out more details, i.e., are the sperm still available, what does the guy actually look like, what kind of family situation does he presently have, and basically what kind of guy is he in general - intelligent? kind? industrious? - just basically what are the traits that he would be passing on via his sperm? 

Who knows... I just found it curious that this scenario was even presenting itself in my life at this time. 

I'll have my appointment and see if there are any further details worth sharing.

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