Sunday, March 21, 2010

Intent on Intentions

About three months ago I decided that I would like to do a new moon ritual to kind of jump-start my dreams. I am open to just about anything and believe that energy is the force that moves miracles to manifestation. In the article it emphasizes the idea of dreaming big so I did. I made three big statements:

1) My intention is to be in an intimate, committed relationship with a guy that I am deeply in love with and who is deeply in love with me within three months, and to be married to each other within the next six months.

2) My intention is to get pregnant with my own eggs within the next year and have a healthy baby or babies, and for me to have a healthy and safe pregnancy.

3) My intention is that my fertility be so good, vital, viable, and healthy that I am able to have a healthy, happy pregnancy for the next six years.

Like I said, pretty big dreaming. Too big? Three months has just passed and I haven't met "him." And this is what I think about that: "In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link."~ Carlos Castaneda.

I, right now, as I sit here and write am LINKING to the fulfillment of my intention. I could dwell on my intention not being met in my three-month imposed time frame, but that timeframe was used to jump-start the manifestation of my miracles. I am going to choose to dwell on the freak'n fact that I am now a BIG DREAMER! My dreaming mind has now crossed over the barrier of "someday" and is now in the realm of "any day now." For me, hurdling that barrier is worthy of a victory lap.

Let me give you an example of how it feels to me. This might be a long shot, but bear with me. I like to cook and bake but as I've moved around the country, and also gone from gas to electric ovens, I've noticed variables that make following a recipe to exact time specifications an inexact experience. Here's the reason why.

And right about now you might be saying, "This relates to her first intention being unfulfilled how?" I guess my reasoning on this is that, even a recipe, followed exactly, with its specified directions, temperatures, and cooking times, might need to be cooked longer depending on the conditions and the location of where the cooking is taking place. So, the cooks in the kitchen (me) waiting for the yummy food (guy) to be perfectly cooked (God-centered matched and ready to "get down and get back up again!")

I'm sure if I were to tell just about anybody I know those three intentions they'd be worried about me, wondering if my sanity was still intact. That's exactly why I only share my dreams anonymously here. But it's amazing how hopeful I am that I will eventually get exactly what I want. And it's even more amazing considering the realm of existence I'm living in which I will delve further into in a future post.

And finally, I don't practice yoga, but I find the idea of sankalpa a very close definition of what I am trying to do in my life.

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