Saturday, April 26, 2014


"Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself... Nothing is impossible!" ~ Norman Vincent Peale

How did I not know about Laura Linney having her first baby at age 49? What rock was I living under in January? OMG, I'm so happy to hear this news (even months later!)!

I have always loved Laura Linney. I've never been too enamored of any Hollywood actors or actresses - I've seen plenty of them up close and personal - I once helped Robert Downey Jr. spend $1500 on twenty different items in fifteen minutes (and, yes, this was during his druggy days!) - and I couldn't have cared less who he was.

But Laura Linney has always been, in my mind, in a different category... she's always seemed so down-to-earth and likable (I loved her in, Love Actually!), so non-Hollywood, but in a, I'm-still-perfectly-styled way, and so naturally beautiful. So, when I just found out she had her first baby at 49 it was with a great feeling of joy for her.

And then I read different news sites and website accounts of her pregnancy and after they state how thrilled they are for her, they go right into all the negative crap about women having babies so much later in life; they left no stone unturned on any negative angle you could possibly think of and I was just like, whatevs!

I refuse to let anyone tell me anything about what can or can not be achieved in the realm of getting pregnant later in life... REFUSE! And it's not sticking my head in the sand, so much as it is saying, you f@ckers (have I ever mentioned I can swear like a sailor?) don't know what is beyond the realm of what is your reality, but there is a thing called, my reality, and in my reality, as I've said before, the word, impossible, has within it the words, I'm possible!

And in that world, the world of, I'm possible, all I know how to do is dream, and dream and dream, until I finally wake up and realize I'm not dreaming anymore: my dreams have become my possible; my dreams have become my reality.

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