Friday, July 12, 2013

July 12th

"Some love lasts a lifetime. True love lasts forever." ~ Unknown

Today marks a day when, many, many years ago, a small part of Greatness came into the world... my father was born... and four days from today, July 16th, will mark eight years since that small part of Greatness left the world, making it just a shade more diminished... 

My father wouldn't feel like his leaving diminished the world in anyway. He, the eternal optimist, always said, it isn't that the world is getting worse, it's just that with today's technology we are more easily made aware of the worse parts of it. He believed the world was becoming better, always moving towards better...

It is a wonderful feeling to have had a father, that no matter how long the passing of time, it will never take away the heart's longing to hear his uproariously loud laugh and feel his all-encompassing, filled-with-the-light-of-a-thousand suns hugs... 

My father came into the world with no fanfare and he left it, with little more, but his spirit strongly lives on in the heart of the girl he taught, to dream in miracles...

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