Tuesday, July 30, 2013

As If

"If it's still in your mind, it is still in your heart." ~ Paulo Coelho

I remember my grandmother, one of the great loves of my life, always told me to, "Act as if..." She, who lived to her 92nd birthday (yes, she was born and died in the same month, on the same day!), when looking back on her life, said that she had no regrets. No regrets? How can that be? But I know it can, because my father, her son, was the same way. A life lived with no regrets.

But my grandmother, who knew me inside and out, understood that I was not like her, nor my father, in their outlook on life, for I had all kinds of regrets, what ifs, and doubts. All of these "negative" beliefs about myself frustrated her to no end (and I can still hear a, "damn it, L" from her regarding my lack of belief in me!). I think that is why my grandmother was always saying to me, "L, you are smart, pretty and have the ability to lose your shyness, but if you don't feel it, then just "act as if" you are all of that!" She would continue to encourage me, "Acting 'as if' you are everything you want to be, or have, will eventually allow you to feel and believe that you are, and then, you will be!"

My grandmother tried to let me in on what she called "a little secret." And the, "little secret" that she wanted me to know was: that none of the other people who I came across in my life were any better than me; not smarter, not prettier, not more confident. She said, they may seem that way to me, and that they might even feel that way themselves, but it was only because they had spent their life acting "as if" they were all of those things. Again, she told me, if I began to "act as if" I, too, were every bit as smart, or pretty, or confident, that I would begin to find that I was smart and pretty and confident. 

I don't know if my grandmother believed, "she was all that" (she often thought that if she had wanted to, she could have been a famous Hollywood actress!) because that was just the nature of her personality or, if she knew all of which she said to me to be true, because she, herself, had "acted as if" her whole life! But whatever the case, she knew she was beautiful , smart, confident, etc. If she had herself, "acted as if," then she did so brilliantly because, I'm not sure I've ever come across someone who truly loved themselves more than she - and I mean that with the greatest respect, because if you can't first love yourself, then being able to love others, to give of yourself to others, is no easy task. 

I am bringing up my grandmother's conversation with me, now, on believing, on "acting as if" something be one way, even if I feel it is another, if I have doubts, because that is exactly what I have decided I must do in regards to making my dreams manifest. 

C. had come in and out of the picture over this past year as being my sperm donor, but he had finally made the full-fledged commitment to do so in February. I didn't mention that, that he had committed to being the father of my child (or children) because he had let me down enough times before, that I was taking the, "I'll believe it when I see it" approach (although I must say with the highest of expectations!). But, after our last "falling out" I decided that I was just going to take my grandmother's advice: I was going to, "act as if!" 

I was just going to "act as if" everything were still on "schedule" for me to become pregnant. I was going to keep on doing my knee "workouts" with the full expectation that if I weren't going to be having sex with C. then I was going to be having it with someone else! "Acting as if" I was still going to have a baby from my own eggs, at whatever age, was going to happen, so I would still keep going to my acupuncturist, still chug down my "green powder" drink, still take all my supplements, still follow my doctor's advice on using the progesterone cream, still do everything I had been doing - simply "acting as if" everything - all my dreams - despite my major set-back with C., was still perfectly in motion. 

C. or not C., (this or something better!) I was still going to fall in love with a guy who loved me as much as I loved him, get married, have my own biological children (although not sure about the order of which would come first!) and, basically, have all my dreams manifest. I was going to, am going to, "act as if" my dreaming miracles journey, will have its happy ending. 

The story continues, but the ending has already been decided... happily ever after...


  1. Absolutely beautiful! You're grandmother knew the secret to life, and passed it on to you! I personally have achieved all my dreams in life living through this principle. Once one starts becoming the person he or she wants to be, instead of just wishing and hoping things will be different, the Universe/God MUST deliver. You're on the right track and I just know you'll see your dream manifested!!


    1. Patrick, thank you so much for your affirming comment! You know, I don't often go back and read what I have written in the past and it was only because I saw that "someone" had read this post (I never know who it is that has read what I have written, only that they have done so - or at least clicked the link!). And today, that "someone" turned out to be you! You, who had had a thought, and followed that thought process, leading you to google a phrase, and, then, when you did that, my blog appeared high in your "search," and you clicked on it, and read it. But, Patrick, only because I saw that "someone" had clicked on the post, did it make me go back and re-read what it was that I had to say at that point in time, now nearly two months ago since it was written. And I can't tell you, it's impossible to explain, how much, at this moment in time, I needed to have those words I had written come back and "speak" to me! For I was having a woe-is-me kind of day, the kind of day where you forget everything it is that you had ever been taught about overcoming fears and doubts and worries, the kind of day where you wished that some one or some thing would HAPPEN to make you see things in a different, in a better light, and you did that for me! For, as I said, had you not followed the trail your mind took you on, I wouldn't have had the benefit of re-reading this wisdom my grandmother had imparted to me so very long ago! So, I thank you, Patrick, for it was as if my grandmother had found a way to let me hear, today, exactly what she wanted me to remember!

    2. I am so thrilled by your message!! I'm in awe and shock right now. I was so hoping that you would see my message, and I too now believe that this was your grandmother's way of speaking to you! ALWAYS remember this message! I am living the life of my dreams-- I am a millionaire, living in my favorite city in the world, living my dream life in my dream career, and have all the love and health in the world-- and it's solely because of this principle! Your thoughts and images create your world! You have the secret to EVERYTHING in your very hands, and every time you worry or doubt, you cut yourself off. You must be the person you've never had the courage to be, and then, and only then, will your life transform miraculously. DON'T EVER GIVE UP. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!! Just be the person you want to be NOW. Expect miracles, and give thanks that you're alive in this amazing universe that wants you to succeed!

    3. Patrick, you wrote, "ALWAYS remember this message!" I promise you I will! Whenever I get to that low place again (and, on this journey I have chosen, it sometimes happens!) I will do both as my grandmother implored me, and you encouraged: I will know that everything is within me, and all I really MUST do is, "act as if" my dreams are already being manifested!

      I am so happy for you; that you are living the life you dreamed of living... what a blessing! And I feel blessed that your path has now crossed mine on this crazy little road-trip called: LIFE!!!

      If you have the time, or inclination, check back in a few weeks and I will have had the time to write why it is that I needed you - your actions and then your words - so much yesterday!

      If you read almost ANY part of my blog, you will understand that I am on a FAITH journey (the thing I struggle with most!) and being on this journey has led me to become a "sign" seeker... for the past few days I had been seeking my "sign"... and I believe it came through you!

    4. Oh, and BTW, Patrick, you had said you hoped I would see your comment, well, I have to tell you, that that in itself - seeing your comment - was a "miracle!" Because, Patrick, I NEVER check the email that is attached to the comments for this blog account because NO ONE EVER COMMENTS! In the over three-and-a-half years I have been writing, your comment is only the second one... EVER! And the other was years ago!

      I literally, just read to the end of this blog post and, luckily (fatefully?!) just out of the corner of my eye, as I was about to leave the site I saw there was a comment - yours! If that hadn't have happened who knows if I ever would have read your kind, encouraging words! "Somebody" was up to "something" good in all of this... and, I being the beneficiary, am so very grateful! : )

  2. Thank you for your kind words, and I will definitely check back to see what you write! In the mean time, I was wondering if there was a way we could talk privately and more consistently as friends?! If possible, maybe I can private message you to get your email address so we can stay in touch? Let me know if you're interested!

  3. Actually, I just did a little navigating and found the email address for your account: dreamingmiracles@ymail.com. I'm going to email you right now...

    1. BTW, just wanted to let you know that if you had written something earlier, I didn't receive it... most likely because my account had been deactivated! So, wanting to let you know, that if you are still so inclined, I have it set that i would receive an email now : )
