Wednesday, December 29, 2010


In the last month or so, right after I had my reconstructive knee surgery, I was bedridden for about a week and to take my mind off my pain I turned on the t.v. and did some channel surfing.

I ended up, of all places, watching a segment on C-SPAN.

The topic isn't especially what caught my interest, but it was the guy, who was on the panel, answering the posed question that caught my attention. I thought: he's cute, sounds intelligent, seems like he's forty-something and (after close inspection) noticed isn't wearing a wedding ring.

I got to thinking when his name and the think-tank he worked at appeared on the screen, that why not take a risk and send him an e-mail just letting him know that he was noticed, in a good way. In my email, I thought, I'll send him to a link that list a few particulars about me and see if anything comes of it.

I was, after all, bedridden and it was going to be awhile before I was out and about. Plus, in the smaller town in which I live cute, smart, single guys don't seem to be a dime a dozen. What the heck, I thought, go for it.

So, I did. I sent him a nice little note with compliments on his C-SPAN appearance and said, if, after reading a few things regarding me, he were interested, I'd love to hear from him. I never did. But I felt really proud of myself for taking a risk, of putting myself out there. I saw a guy that seemed interesting and let him know that I thought so, for me, that's progress.

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