Monday, December 8, 2014

Grow Your Own

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." ~ Albert Einstein

Well, someone just sent me a link to this fascinating article. The article is like eight months old, but I guess it's the old adage that you get things when you're ready to receive them...

Anyway, it's an exciting read... and it makes me feel how right I was, five years ago, insisting - against the fertility specialist judgement (he basically told me a GVC - a cell - would be worthless, but I was never thinking of the cell in that moment but in moments years away...) - that he promise to retrieve any of those cells along with my eggs (which he did do)...

I do feel as if I was visionary in my thought process regarding a cell potentially becoming a viable egg... whether it does remains to be seen, but the thought that it could, years into the future... well, that future is finally now...

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