Saturday, May 17, 2014


"Within your heart, keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go." ~ Louise Driscoll

I went to my Chinese acupuncturist yesterday and when I got into the treatment room and lay down on a table similar to a massage one, she said, "I had a dream about you."

I hardly had time to register how interesting it was that this Chinese woman should have a dream about me, when she continued, "In my dream you had a baby." She went on to tell me  "Everyone seemed so surprised that you had a baby." She explained their surprise coming from the idea that I was older so how could I have had this baby. She then said, "But everyone was happy about you having the baby," and she continued, "and in my mind, I just thought, I had helped you have this baby." She finished by saying, "I didn't say, to all of the surprised people, that I had helped you in having this baby, but I knew that what I had done, did. It was a very happy time."

I just thought, wow, I had needed a sign very badly, and this Chinese doctor telling me of her vivid dream about me having a baby, seemed like as good a sign as any.

I know in our American culture dreams are thought of as just a part of subconscious thinking, not a foretelling of future events, but I wondered if the Chinese viewed dreams differently. So, I asked her, "Do the Chinese believe that dreams have real meaning, like, do they believe dreams can foretell future events?" And she answered, "Yes, many times they do."

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