Monday, October 17, 2011

My Mom's Story is My Story (Part 3)

There is no remedy for love but to love more - Henry David Thoreau

This post is the continuation of my mom's mental breakdown journey (with me along for the ride).

After a month my mom was released from the psychiatric hospital. When she was released from the hospital she wasn’t released because she was cured; she was released because they felt like they had done all that could be done for her in the time frame that her insurance company allowed for. In other words, she was still crazy.

I remember being both excited and scared when I went to get her out of there. She wasn't who she had been. I didn't know then if she ever would be again.

Note: After you read the above link I'm posting below, links, in order, as best I can, of the emails I sent to my brothers and sisters keeping them up to date on what was happening with our mother's health and healing.

Some things I may have repeated, but hopefully, if you choose to read them, you can follow along with me as I hope I helped my mom regain her life.

Letter written to my brothers and sisters (not sure exact date, but within the first month of my mom's return home).

Emails 1-9

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