Tuesday, June 24, 2014


"Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born." ~ Dale E. Turner

I think I've written in this blog how my doctor has said that older woman have a tendency to ovulate twice in a cycle. Which she says is why older woman often have twins. Now most of what you might read regarding that would say that isn't the way things work. It can't be done. But I've always trusted my doctor. She had her last child at 45 (almost 46) and she said that she miscarried like seven or eight time before she was able to figure out what hormonal regimen she needed to be on before her pregnancy stuck.

Anyway, something very interesting happened this past cycle of mine. 

I wore my OV watch - and kept wearing it - even though the watch did not detect that I had ovulated around day 13-15. I kept wearing it, and finally, on cycle day 24 it read Fertile Day 1 (I mistakenly messaged my doctor in the screen shot below that it was cycle day 23 that read Fertile Day 1), which was followed by Fertile Day's 2-4 - June 6-8 - and then on my cycle day 28 it read Ovulation Day 1, but I started bleeding like a period on that day - cycle day 28. 

Because I started bleeding like a period when the watch was telling me I was ovulating - and because it was Day 28 which would have been a normal day to start my period - but, again, because the watch never gave indication to me I was ovulating 14 or so days prior - I messaged my doctor (I screenshot that message below). 

At first my doctor messaged me back to tell me to see if it was a "real" period. Well, I didn't know at the time if it was a "real" period or not. But as it turned out it was; the bleeding was my typical period bleeding length of time and amount. But I was like, why wouldn't the watch have detected the earlier ovulation? It had to have occurred, otherwise I wouldn't have started my period on cycle day 28!

And, because you have to start wearing the OV watch within the first three days of when your menstrual cycle starts, I had to make the decision on day 3 of the bleeding that yes, it was a real period and start wearing the watch. And as an aside, I was confused about what to do because you have to use a new OV watch sensor each cycle and they aren't cheap, I didn't want to be throwing away good money if it wasn't a "real" period! 

But it's good that I decided that even though I was ovulating, I was also having my period, because as it turned out pretty much like clock-work this cycle I ovulated on day 15 according to the OV watch. 

I'm posting some photos to show exactly what the watch was telling me during my last cycle and the correspondence with my doctor, plus what the OV watch is telling me with my present cycle.*

So, yeah, I think what happened just makes me know - without just my doctor telling me - that, yes, you can ovulate two times within a cycle, regardless of what the "experts" say. At least it seems like that's exactly what happened with me.

*The OV Watch gives you your most fertile days starting with Fertile Days 1-4 leading up to ovulation, then it tells you Ovulation Day 1 and the next day Ovulation Day 2, after that it will tell you, Less Fertile Day 1 followed the day after - and this is the last reading of the cycle that it gives you - Less Fertile Day 2. 

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