Thursday, July 11, 2013


"Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity." ~ Kahlil Gibran

I wrote in the previous post that I had a dichotomy on my hands regarding being able to go to a music festival at the end of March, 2014, because my intuition was "telling" me that I would get pregnant in October, and thus be too pregnant to attend.

Well, now things are even somewhat more interesting because after re-reading my, "Intuition" Journal - a journal in which I write of any intuitive thoughts that come to me - there is no mention of me having any intuitive feeling that I would become pregnant in October!

All that I say in my Intuition Journal is, "And sometime before the end of 2013 I will get pregnant and have a healthy successful pregnancy and deliver a baby boy, possibly here in ________ sometime in 2014."

So, now I'm wondering where in the world did the idea that I would get pregnant in the month of October come from? I hadn't written of having that intuitive thought. I had written that I would get pregnant, but there was no month specified. And what I had written, and quoted above, was from my journal entry of January 21, 2013.

I guess somehow that thought of the actual month of conception being in October must have come in my mind from somewhere, at some point, but I can't recall when that was, just that it was... But the first time I have found any evidence of me having that intuitive belief - conceiving a baby in October - is from the actual post, "Dichotomy!"

So, the story continues... what will it be... how will things develop and when?

And the most amazing part of all of this to me, is that I am putting it ALL out there to you! Because I don't have a crystal ball... I'm telling you my deepest thoughts on certain matters, based on nothing more than a thought that popped into my head!

I'm as anxious to find out how the hell this is all going to come about just as much as you (and likely 1,000 times more!)!!! 

But, as I told you before, I've just decided I'm going where my intuition (the God within!) takes me, and I guess eventually I'll find out exactly where that is... and how much of it (my intuition) I have truly understood to be the "right," i.e., the "correct" interpretation...

I think this is a good point in time for me to remember, Steve Job's quote that most struck me, and has stayed so solidly in my mind throughout my time writing this blog. 

And what he said was, ""You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something; your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever, because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will make all the difference."

Yes, all the difference is exactly what I need... and I will continue the process, of telling the story, of how I am connecting my dots backwards... 

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