Tuesday, January 20, 2015


"You come into the world with nothing, and the purpose of your life is to make something out of nothing." ~ Henry Mencken

Wow! Time really does fly! I just realized that it has been a smidgeon over five years since I started this blog; writing my first post and titling it "In the Beginning."

Hmm... five years...

Well, I could dwell on all the dragons I've had to slay over these five years and how I don't know if I'm any closer to collecting the "boon," but why should I? Really? A journey is a journey, right? You start somewhere and you finish somewhere and there's all the story in between... and, as in any journey, you never truly know how everything will turn out... you just continue the journey until you get to the end. 

I definitely intend to finish the journey... and don't misunderstand me, I intend to attain the "boon" before I get to the end... I'm simply not at the end yet.   

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