Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Clearly Clothes

"Leap and the net will appear." ~ Zen saying

A couple of months ago I wrote a post titled, As If. The post was about how my grandmother had always given me the advice to "act as if" something were already as it should be, even if in fact, it were not.

In other words, if I felt shy, then she would tell me, I needed to change my thought pattern about who I was and act as if I was the opposite of shy: confident! 

My grandmother reminded me that I didn't have to necessarily start by first believing that I was no longer shy, only that I needed to "act as if" I weren't. Eventually, she encouraged me, confidence would become my default thought pattern and my shyness would be gone forever. 

And she was right, at least 99% right - and the 1% being the rare times when I find myself really liking a guy and then my shyness tries to creep back in and make me run for the hills - 99% of the time I am self-assured, even if I am walking into a room full of strangers, and that's because after years of "acting as if" I am confident, now, I actually am quite confident.

So, it was shortly after that post that I was shopping in Target and I happened to pass by the baby section, specifically the baby clothes section. And as I was walking by I saw a cute baby girl's outfit with what looked like a really cheap sales price on it. I thought to myself, if I'm going to practice what I preach (or rather, what my grandmother preached!) then I should buy this baby girl's outfit to "act as if" something I want is already coming to me, because, after all, I told myself, you do plan on having a baby girl. I picked the cute little outfit off the rack and headed with the rest of the items in my cart to the check-out counter.

But just before I got to the check-out counter I thought more about the baby's clothes I had just placed in my cart, and reminded myself, but you plan on having a baby boy, too! I stopped moving my cart forward and did a u-turn back to the baby clothes section, specifically to the baby boy clothes and picked a similar outfit on sale for my little guy. I wanted him to know that I knew he was coming to me just as assuredly as I knew his sister was. I was going to plunk down "acting as if" dollars for both my little girl and my little boy.

However, when I was at the cashiers buying everything, the baby clothes rang up at more than twice the price I thought the tags had read! It had been a little bit easier for me to convince myself to buy the two baby outfits in my "act as if" moment because they were so inexpensive. Now, when I found out they were much more than I had thought, I felt a dilemma: one part of me was saying, you can't afford to spend money on these clothes because you're on a budget and they aren't necessary, the other part of me was saying, you can't afford not to spend money on these clothes if you expect the "Universe" to understand clearly that your intention is for your babies to come to you!

So, really even though it was a huge splurge to buy the baby clothes in the first place, in the end I splurged even more and paid the higher amount because at that point, at any point, I know "acting as if" is worth the price!

I went on, during two different occasions, to buy two more "act as if" items. First, while traveling during September with my mom, I just had to buy some adorable little girl's booties that I couldn't resist (even though once again the price told me I should!) because they seemed to be an exact replica of my own "booties." And second, when I was in New Zealand - in a little shop that only sold items made from New Zealanders - I came across a pair of  knitted baby booties that I felt I had to purchase in another "act as if" gesture because they seemed perfect for my baby boy.

I keep my babies' clothes items in a place that I see every day, so that I am reminded that they will be worn by my dreams manifest - my children. However, for some reason I hadn't thought, before now, that it might be something I should make a blog post about. But, upon further reflection, I thought telling (and showing!) of everything that I am doing to help make my dreams become my reality is exactly the point of Dreaming Miracles, and really, I can't believe I didn't share this "act as if" experience sooner.

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